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5 Reasons to Sleep in a Museum: A 10-Year-Old’s Opinion

by | October 1, 2014

Hi.  I’m Doug, and I’m 10 years old.  My brother Charlie and I got to spend the night at the American Museum of Natural History.  My mom asked me whether the sleepover made the museum truly memorable. It did because the museum is a lot different at night than it is during the day. Here are five reasons why I remember my night at the museum so well:

AMNH dinosaur skeleton

Cool dinosaur skeletons

1. You get to go around the museum with a flashlight.

AMNH reptile exhibit

Reptile exhibit

2. There’s nobody blocking your view.

AMNH museum scavenger hnt

Scavenger hunt

3. You get to have a scavenger hunt where you answer questions in a book.

AMNH tiger exhibit

Tiger exhibit

4. You can see a lot more of the museum because it’s not crowded at night.

AMNH Hall of Ocean Life

Hall of Ocean Life, at the American Museum of Natural History

5. You get to sleep under a giant blue whale.

Those are the reasons why my night at the museum was truly memorable.

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