Tag Archives: eating

Flower Market at the end of the Mumbai by Dawn tour

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling in India

When you tell someone you’re going to India, it’s a good bet their first response will be something like “Don’t drink the water!” or “Get ready for Delhi belly.” And that’s unfortunate, because travelers should focus their energies on the more enjoyable problems that a trip to India poses—such as which parts of the huge country to visit, how to bypass lines at its many famous temples and palaces, where to sample its myriad different cuisines and dishes, and how to cram as many activities and experiences into one vacation. Still, concern about health and food safety continues to loom large for tourists heading to India.

“It’s one of the questions people are worried about: getting sick and how to avoid it,” says Victoria Dyer, an India travel specialist on Wendy’s WOW List. “Some people, and typically those who already have a food intolerance or are sensitive to a change of diet, will ask for advice about ‘Delhi belly’ and how to eat their way healthily round India.” Victoria and her husband, Bertie, lived in Jaipur for eight years and have been in love with the country for many more.  Luckily, things have changed in recent years, she says. “Ten years ago it was almost a given that travelers would get sick. But now hygiene has really improved, and it’s pretty unusual that we have an issue with anyone becoming ill.”

She attributes the improvement to India’s tourism boom. “There are luxury five-star hotels that realize that food safety has to be a priority,” Victoria says. “In the past few years there’s been a real drive to maintain standards to a much higher level.” She adds that these days, “Indian food is something that people are really excited about; we have some phenomenal restaurants here that are gaining an international reputation.” To help guide travelers to restaurants of the highest culinary and sanitary standards, she provides recommendations to her and her husband’s favorite eateries around the country. “We recommend places we know personally, that we’ve been to, that we’ve eaten at ourselves, and places that provide different levels of experience,” she says. “People might want to go where there’s a celebrated chef and others might want to have a much more local experience.”

Sanjay Saxena, another of Wendy’s WOW List travel specialists for India, agrees that things are changing in India. “Food quality in the last decade has improved tremendously,” he says. “Loads of restaurants now provide purified water through a central system to their kitchens.” Oberoi and Taj properties have this kind of system, he says. Smaller private hotels often do not, though, so he warns travelers to avoid cold salads, especially the cucumbers, tomatoes and raita that are frequently provided on buffets. These are most likely rinsed in tap water (or, in the case of raita, contain raw vegetables that were rinsed in tap water) and could leave you in distress. However, he added, “Indian food is generally ‘well done’ boiled/simmered for minutes if not hours, killing all bacteria, and so always safe to eat. But if food is kept sitting then it can be an issue.”

Of course, it never hurts to err on the side of caution. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of tips and strategies to lower your chance of getting sick. And since feeling good is not only about your belly but about your entire body (the sights, sounds, smells, climate, and pace of India can be overwhelming), we’ve included some mental-health suggestions as well. Knowing these things will help keep you at 100 percent.

For physical health

fruit market in Udaipur India

Only eat fresh fruit you wash, cut and peel yourself. And wash it with bottled water. Photo: Billie Cohen

•Bring more hand sanitizer than you think you’ll need—and use it.
Have a small bottle on you at all times, so you can easily clean your hands before you eat or drink, and after the bathroom. Wipes are also useful for cleaning the dust off any bottles of water or packages of snacks you might buy from street vendors.

•Buy bottled water and listen for the “crack.”
Indians are master recyclers and reuse everything. As you travel around, you’ll see locals pouring water into their mouths without letting the bottles touch their lips; this is because they reuse and share bottles. Visitors, of course, should buy sealed bottled water only; drinking anything from the tap could result in sickness. If you don’t hear the plastic safety ring crack open when you twist the bottle—or if you don’t hear the soda fizz when you open it—get a new one. In the pre-trip notes he writes to his travelers, Sanjay goes even further, “Drink only bottled water, sodas, beer, coffee, or tea,” he writes. And “In hotel rooms you may be provided with a pitcher or thermos of water, never drink this before sterilizing the water!”

•Use this fail-safe tooth-brushing strategy.
Tooth brushing is such an ingrained habit that it’s easy to make a mistake and revert to muscle memory—you could find yourself scooping water to your mouth or running your brush under the tap before you even realize you’re doing it. The fail-safe solution I use is to always hold my toothbrush in one hand, and my bottle of water in the other—I don’t put either down until I’m through the entire process. I do this because if both hands are full, I can’t unthinkingly turn on the tap. (And if it wasn’t clear: Don’t brush your teeth, or even open your mouth, in the shower.)

•Avoid cut or peeled fresh fruit.
If it’s been cut open and rinsed in local water, that’s the same as drinking local water. Closed fruit, such as oranges and bananas, are usually okay (but use your own judgment). Wipe them down and wash them with bottle water, and sanitize your hands before peeling them. (Usually the cut and peeled fresh fruit served in five-star hotels is A-OK.)

•Say no to ice.
Many high-end hotels and restaurants are now using filtered water for ice (and some other places say they are but aren’t), but if you’re not sure, go without. In a lot of cases, your drinks will still be cold. In fact, when you order a soda or a beer in India, the waitstaff will usually bring the closed bottle to your table so that you can approve of its temperature before they crack it open in front of you.

•Carry plastic straws.
Pack some plastic straws (even better if they’re individually wrapped), and carry a few with you every day. This may not be the most eco-friendly tip, but straws are very useful to have if you’re drinking from a can or a bottle that might have been sitting in unfiltered ice—this way, you don’t have to touch your lips to them.

•Bring tissue packs and anti-bacterial wipes.
Buy a bunch of small tissue packs and wet wipes and always have some in your day bag (bandanas are invaluable too). They come in handy as toilet paper, brow moppers, dust masks, and napkins. You’ll also want to wipe down bottles and snacks that you buy from street vendors. There’s no point in sanitizing your hands if the bag of chips you’re about to rip open is covered in grime.

•Wipe down your gadgets at the end of each day.
Even if you’re sanitizing your hands before every meal and after every bathroom run, they’re still going to be filthy by the end of the day. Once you remember that you’ve been grabbing your camera and phone in and out of your bag all day long with those hands, you’ll know why it’s a good idea to run a sanitizer wipe over them (be careful of screens).

biryani and curry and naan in India

The food in India is delicious—and exciting because the cuisine varies from region to region. Start out slow (and possibly vegetarian) to acclimate to the hotter spices and new flavors. Photo: Colleen Brennan

•Don’t be embarrassed to ask for mildly spiced food.
Indian food prepared in India is spicier than you’re used to—even if you like spicy cuisine. When you order, ask for no (or little) spice. You can increase the heat as you acclimate.

•Be careful what you order where.
Don’t order seafood if you’re miles away from the sea, since refrigeration might not be great. And keep in mind that, even if everything is clean and cooked properly, your stomach needs to adjust to the new foods and flavors. For example, paneer (an Indian cheese) can be harder on your digestive system than cheeses at home, and it might not be fresh or high quality in every restaurant. Meats might not agree with you even though you eat meat back in the States, so consider a vegetarian diet (very easy to do here) as you ease into the new spices and flavors. Above all, trust your instincts, and listen to your body. “If you feel a bit nauseous, starve yourself for 24 hours,” says Victoria. “Just rice or yogurt and drink loads of water and allow yourself to get better. A lot of people are excited about the food so they can’t resist it,” she adds with a laugh.

pancake street vendor in Pushkar India

Street food can be tempting in India, but it can also be hard on your stomach. Play it safe and avoid it. Photo: Billie Cohen

•Steer clear of street food.
You’ve heard this one before, but it bears repeating. You will see a lot of street food, fresh fruit, and snacks as you travel in India. Some of it may be offered to you by friendly vendors or even by local friends, and you might feel awkward declining. But it’s better to feel awkward than to feel sick. As Sanjay tells his travelers before their trips, “No matter how appealing the smell and look, DO NOT eat food from street vendors, especially food that has been sitting.”

•When in doubt, drink a Coke.
They say Coca-Cola can strip rust off of metal. If that’s true, then it can definitely kill any bugs you might accidentally ingest. Yes, this one is more of an old wives’ tale, but I swear by it. I’ve chased many a questionable meal (and an unfortunate tooth-brushing mistake) with a can of Coke, and didn’t get sick. Who knows if it was the Coke that saved me, but I was pleasantly surprised (and validated) when my guide in Pushkar said that he recommends the same cure-all to his guests.

•You can become dehydrated before you even realize it, so drink regularly.
The rule is: If you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Carry water on you all the time, and avoid too much caffeine. You can easily purchase electrolyte powder at drug stores here, which tastes like a salty-sweet fruit drink. Pour one packet in a liter of water to help prevent or cure dehydration.

•Respect the sun.
The sun is incredibly hot and intense here, even in winter. Bring a wide-brimmed hat and sunblock, and wear both every day. I attach my hat to my bag with an alligator clip (or sometimes wear a hat with a string) so I can take it on and off easily when I walk in the shade. I may not look stylish, but I’m also not sunburned, so I consider that a win.

•Bring closed-toe shoes.
Streets are dirty in India. Sometimes it’s the gritty dust or desert sand of normal life in a dry climate, but sometimes it’s grime, garbage, and mysterious puddles. So make sure you have at least one pair of closed shoes with you.

Jama Masjid in Delhi

Many temples and holy monuments, such as the Jama Masjid in Delhi, require you to take off your shoes. Carry socks to protect your feet from hot stones and dirty floors. Photo: Billie Cohen

•Carry a pair of socks in your day bag if you’re not already wearing them.
You’ll be removing your shoes quite a bit as you visit temples and holy ghats (riverside staircases used for bathing), but some sites allow you to keep your socks on. Ask even if it’s not indicated on the signage. You’ll want your feet covered in some places because of dirt and/or hot stones. If you do take off your shoes and socks, this is another instance when sanitary wipes are useful. You can wipe off your feet before putting your socks and shoes back on.

•Take your malaria pills with a big meal somewhat early in the day
Consult your travel doctor about what medications to take in India, but you will likely need to be on malaria pills—and you’ll want to take them every day with food. Breakfast was the easiest time for me, since that was usually a big meal. When Wendy was in Africa, her family didn’t eat much breakfast and chose to take their malaria pills at lunch instead of at dinner. That’s because if they forgot at lunchtime, they could take them at dinnertime with little negative repercussion, whereas if they forgot at dinnertime, that would result in skipping a day, which could have great negative repercussion.

•Take advantage of expert knowledge.
Planning a rewarding and comfortable trip through India requires a deep understanding of the country, its culture, its complexity, and its changing tourism infrastructure. You definitely want to have someone you trust working on organizing the right accommodations and experiences for you. For example, the annual Pushkar Camel Fair is a fascinating whirlwind of sights, sounds, crowds, and sand—but it is also challenging and overwhelming to navigate. When I traveled there, Sanjay knew exactly which hotel would not only be the most sanitary and the safest, but would also provide a much-needed respite from the sensory overload of the fairground.

•If you decide you want Western food, go to a place that serves a lot of Western expats.
Even if you love Indian food, at some point you will probably want a break from curry, rice, and decadent buttered naan. When that time comes, choose a restaurant with a good track record of preparing food to Western standards (look for the expats). The food will be safer and more delicious.

For mental health

Cafe Palladio Udaipur India

Travel specialists can guide you to delicious, safe, and beautiful restaurants all over India, like Victoria’s recommendation of Bar Palladio in Jaipur. Photo: Billie Cohen

•Flip your thinking about the noise: Recognize that horns are there to make you safe.
You will hear a lot of honking in India, and it will be loud. Tuk tuks, rickshaws, cars, beautifully decorated trucks, scooters, pedestrians, cows—they all jockey for space on the same narrow roads, and the only rule about driving seems to be that there are no rules. At first you may find that the constant honking puts you on edge, but for me that stress dissipated when I realized that in India, the horn is not an instrument of road rage—it’s actually a way to be considerate of others. It’s the way drivers tell each other, “Hey, I’m coming up behind you, and I want to make sure you see me.” Tweaking your perspective on that is likely to help you tolerate it better.

•Don’t give money to beggars, no matter their age and adorableness.
Beggars of all ages will approach you in various places in India. In Jaipur they knocked on our car windows; in Pushkar, smiling playful kids trailed us around the fairground chanting, “Money, money!” The poverty is upsetting, but as India experts will tell you, handing over your money is not the answer. As hard as it may be on your heart, the best thing to do is to ignore them or firmly say “nay” and keep walking. They won’t try to open the door, they won’t become aggressive, and they will eventually walk away. This is one of many reasons why you want to hire the best local guides possible. I was very aware of how much mine were looking out for me in these times, and I always felt that I was safe. They will usually clear the way with a friendly word before it even becomes a problem.

•Ignore touts completely.
Touts will follow you in their attempt to convince you to buy things at monuments and in the streets. You do not need to say no, or no thank you, or anything at all—in fact, I learned from a guide that if you say “no” they are likely to interpret that as an invitation to haggle. So just keep walking, and they will fall away. Again, guides will have your back and will shoo them away if necessary. To be honest, though, I never felt threatened at any time. People here are persistent but not aggressive, and they smile a lot. So when I did have interactions, they often ended with mutual grins and laughter.

men buying a camel at the Pushkar Camel Fair India

Our guide for the Pushkar Camel Fair knew to bring us back to the fairground late in the day so that we could avoid the hottest sun and also catch camel trades in action. Photo: Billie Cohen

•Leave room in your itinerary to take time off between noon and 3 p.m..
Give yourself a break to recharge during the hottest part of the day, when you’d be uncomfortable outside anyway (especially at monuments where there’s little shade) and inside stuffy museums (which usually have no air-conditioning). Instead, give yourself permission to take a break: Try a long leisurely lunch or relax at your hotel. Then head back out close to sunset, when the weather will be cooler, the light will be more beautiful for photos, and you will be refreshed and ready to enjoy the evening. Smart guides know this and will make sure your activities take place at the optimal times. For example, Kapil, the guide Sanjay assigned me for the desert-based Pushkar Camel Fair, knew to take us out to the fairgrounds in the early mornings and early evenings, with a long cooling midday break—not only because we’d be more comfortable, but because that’s when we’d have the best chance of seeing camel and horse trades take place, an integral and very interesting part of the fair. In the bustling city of Jaipur, timing was just as important. Virendra, our guide for Victoria’s VIP shopping tour through Jaipur, timed our afternoon perfectly so that we ended right at sunset in a quaint, boutique-filled palace, where we could browse a bit more and then unwind with cocktails and dinner al fresco.

•Look for the women.
Personal safety is another question that travelers often ask Sanjay and Victoria about before they get to India. Can we walk around at night? Should we avoid certain places if we’re alone? You’re not any more or less safe in India than in Western cities; crime happens everywhere, and if you follow the usual common-sense rules (lock your purse, make sure someone always knows where you are, don’t accept open drinks from strangers, etc.) you’ll be fine. But there is one especially helpful tip I learned from a guide: Look for the women, he said. If you’re out at night and there are still Indian women buzzing about, that’s a clue that you’re in a good neighborhood at a good time of night.

•Pack a loofah, body puff, or fast-drying washcloth.
This may not seem like it would have such a big impact on how you feel but, trust me, it will. India is dusty and hot. And did I mention it’s dusty and hot? On top of the grime and sweat you’ll build up just from touring around, you’re going to be coated in sunblock and bug spray by the end of each day. A scrub, especially for your tired and dirty feet, will feel like a luxury, and it takes up virtually no space in your luggage.

Women in Jodhpur market India

If it’s night time and women are still out shopping and strolling, it’s usually still appropriate to be out shopping and strolling yourself. Photo: Billie Cohen

If you do get sick

If you do get sick, there is plenty of help available. “Healthcare too has greatly improved (not just quality, but more importantly access) in the [past] two decades,” says Sanjay, “and now travelers can find a qualified doctor quite easily across India.” Victoria likes to remind travelers that “calling a doctor in India is not the same as in America. It’s not as expensive and your hotel will be able to get you help easily. A stomach bug is usually cleared up very quickly.” So don’t try to be a hero and suffer through it, she says. Call your travel specialist or your local point person and they will quickly deliver a solution. Be sure to have proper travel insurance too; here’s what you need to know about buying it.


Be a smarter traveler: Read real travelers’s reviews of Wendy’s WOW List and use it to plan your next trip. You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter @wendyperrin, and Instagram @wendyperrin, and sign up for her weekly newsletter to stay in the know.

Philadelphia's Headhouse Farmers Market

Authentic Food Markets Worth Traveling the World For

For me, travel is best when I engage all of my senses. Wherever you are, step into a food market and this simply happens naturally. When you can recall a taste or an aroma, you’re also more likely to hold onto the memory. That’s why I remember blindly choosing a handful of French cheeses for an afternoon picnic in the Alps, knowing each would be delicious, and ogling the enormous fish caught that very morning at a pungent stall in Singapore. Each time I’ve strolled into a food market abroad, I’ve gotten to talk to (or, in circumstances of language barriers, gesture at) local people going about their daily life, generally welcoming of but not kowtowing to tourists. And then, of course, there are the photo-worthy visuals: careful rows of flamboyant dragon fruits, racks of glistening pastries and just-baked breads, and salamis and ham hocks hung on butcher’s twine to dry.

Here are markets where you can see, touch, and smell the ingredients necessary for life in that corner of the world, and hear how the transactions between buyer and seller differ from place to place. Arrive hungry, of course, because there will be plenty to taste, too. Want to go even deeper? Our Trusted Travel Experts can arrange a market tour with a culinary expert or local chef.

Headhouse Square Farmers’ Market—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Place: First established in 1745 (though under a different name), the Headhouse Farmers’ Market in Philly is a cook’s delight, with the city’s largest selection of locally made and grown produce, baked goods, meats, cheeses, and other specialty items.

Best Time to Go: The market is open 8am to 3pm every Sunday from May through December. Go before 11am for the best offerings (though sometimes there are events, such as cookbook signings with local chefs, later in the day).

Tastiest Treat: Pick up a box of handmade chocolates from John & Kira’s, or locally produced maple syrup from Spring Hills Farm.

Paul Bennett, Trusted Travel Expert for Cultural City Tours


Mercado de San Ramon—San Ramon, Costa Rica

The Place: The town of San Ramon has a charming, laid-back atmosphere; older generations use the park and market (which sells tropical fruits, vegetables, and flowers) as a meeting spot to go over the coming week’s events. San Ramon is located between San Jose and the famous Arenal Volcano, so stopping here breaks up the drive between these two popular destinations quite nicely.

Best Time to Go: The market is open daily year-round, but is best on Fridays (12pm–6pm) and Saturdays (7am­­–12pm).

Tastiest Treat: Make sure to try the queso arollado (rolled cheese) or cajetas (a sweet coconut milk-flavored spread).

Irene Edwards, Trusted Travel Expert for Costa Rica


Borough Market—London, England

London's Borough Market

London’s Borough Market. Photo: Michael HeffernanLondon and Partners

The Place: With tons of vegetables, fish, craft foods, and incredible cheeses—all sold by lively stallholders eager to tell you all about the provenance of what they’re selling—Borough Market is a great place to learn about Britain’s organic food movement. Located in a Victorian glass-and-ironwork building, it is also very photogenic.

Best Time to Go: The market is open Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 5pm, Friday from 10am to 6pm, and Saturday from 8am to 5pm; it’s closed on many holidays. Get there early; the later you arrive, the larger the crowds you’ll find.

Tastiest Treat: Cheese or terrific preserves and jams.

 —Jonathan Epstein, Trusted Travel Expert for England, Ireland, and Scotland


The English Market—Cork, Ireland

The English Market, Cork, Ireland

The English Market, Cork, Ireland. Photo: William Murphy/Flickr

The Place: The resurgence of the Irish food movement started in Cork, first with farmhouse cheeses in the 1970s, and a slew of restaurants spotlighting local produce in the 1980s; there is no better way to learn about the country’s culinary scene than in this covered market, which sells everything from fish and meat to locally made chocolate and cheese.  (Wondering about the name? The market dates to the 18th century, when Ireland was still English.) When the Queen recently came to Ireland, this was one of her few stops.

Best Time to Go: The market is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. I like to go around lunchtime, either picking up a picnic of bread, cheese, and other things to snack on, or sitting down for a meal of the best Irish food you’ll find at the Farmgate Cafe. (The restaurant is not open for dinner.)

Tastiest Treat: I love the incredible selection of Irish chocolate. And make sure to learn about “buttered eggs.”

Jonathan Epstein, Trusted Travel Expert for England, Ireland, and Scotland


Marché Notre Dame—Versailles, France

Cheese at the Notre Dame Market in Versailles, France

Notre Dame Market, Versailles, France. Photo: Paris Perfect

The Place: There’s more to Versailles than the royal palace and gardens. This market is one of the best in the entire region, and one of the largest too. Dozens of stalls sell their specialties, from local and exotic produce to artisan cheese, marinated olives, and colorful spices. The best part is, it’s not far from the palace and gardens, making it the perfect warm-up to a wonderful day of exploring.

Best Time to Go: The market is open on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday morning, from 7am to 2pm. The absolute best time to go is between April and October, when the weather is warm and the palace gardens are lush and green. Grab an assortment of fresh foods from the market in the morning, then after you’ve explored the palace, find a spot in the grass along the Grand Canal for a picnic.

Tastiest Treat: Make sure to try the crepes from the stand inside the southwestern corner section of the covered halls—they’re the best crepes I’ve ever tasted, and for mere pocket change! The owner coats her delectable, crispy-on-the-edges crepes and galettes in a generous helping of salted butter, making for a mouth-watering memory you won’t forget.


Montesanto-Pignasecca Market—Naples, Italy

The Place: Montesanto-Pignasecca market, located right in the heart of the city on Via della Pignasecca, is Naples most ancient market, offering local produce from mozzarella to juicy tomatoes and fresh bread. It’s the biggest and best-supplied food market in the city center, and a very lively place, bustling with people and popular with locals since the prices are so low. You might hear the market before you see it: The voices of the barrow boys urging you to buy their goods echo down this very narrow street.

Best Time to Go: The market is open Monday through Saturday from 7am to around 2pm; I prefer to go in the morning, when it buzzes with locals doing their daily shopping and the produce is at its most fresh. The best fish comes in on Fridays, when many Italians adhere to Catholic doctrine and avoid eating meat.

Tastiest Treat: Suffice it to say, you’ll satisfy your taste buds on the spot. Naples is famous for its mozzarella made from water- buffalo milk. Another local cheese to try is Provola, produced in the area around Mt. Vesuvius from non-skimmed cow’s milk.

Paul Bennett, Trusted Travel Expert for Cultural City Tours


Ortigia Food Market—Siracusa, Sicily

The Place: This open-air market is located in Ortigia, a small island connected to the mainland of Siracusa. It is the city’s historical center, filled with ancient ruins of Greek temples, Baroque churches, and Jewish ritual baths, with wide-open piazzas and breathtaking views of the sea. The market sells locally produced cheeses, fruits, vegetables, fish, herbs and spices, wine from all over the island—pretty much anything you might need to make the freshest Sicilian meal can be found here. Walking along, you will hear local fishmongers sing out the day’s offerings in Sicilian dialect, accompanied by an assistant wielding a guitar.

Best Time to Go: The market is open Monday through Saturday from 7am to 11am, year-round. We like to send travelers with our local culinary guide, collecting fresh ingredients and then preparing a lunch together.

Tastiest Treat: Pick up sun-dried tomatoes, capers, cheeses, and other local items to have vacuum packed and brought home to share with their friends and family.

Marcello Baglioni, Trusted Travel Expert for Sicily


Olhão Market—Olhão, Portugal

The Place: Olhão’s two original market buildings sit side-by-side along the waterfront—the perfect location for the enormous variety of fish and seafood sold here, all straight off the boat. There is also fresh produce for sale. I love the ambiance and the authenticity here; at few other markets on the Iberian peninsula are you able to buy seafood straight from the people who caught it.

Best Time to Go: The market is open every day but Sunday. Go first thing in the morning, before it gets too crowded. If you can, visit in late fall, winter, or early spring, when there are far fewer tourists.

Tastiest Treat: Buy some Manna fish preserves from Conservera Do Sur; canned fresh tuna, scallops, mackerel, and anchovies are easy to carry and a treat once back home.

Virginia Irurita, Trusted Travel Expert for Spain and Portugal


Nishiki Market—Kyoto, Japan

Nishiki Food Market Kyoto Japan CR Flickr-Jan

Nishiki Market, Kyoto, Japan. Photo: Jan/Flickr

The Place: Strolling through this market’s more than 100 shops, all packed into five blocks, is a truly immersive experience, and the best way to understand Kyoto’s culinary offerings and the city’s traditions. You’ll find pickled vegetables, Japanese tea sweets, miso, tofu, knives, cookware, sushi, freshwater fish, truffles, chestnuts, rice cakes, and sake. The market is a regular spot for both locals and tourists; some of the stores have been in the same family for centuries.

Best Time to Go: The market is open from 10am to 4pm everyday except Sunday (and is smaller on Wednesdays). Avoid 12pm to 2pm, when the lunch crowd rolls in.

Tastiest Treat: Take away some soy-milk donuts, which are cooked on the spot and served piping hot; they are slightly sweet and deliciously natural tasting—a far cry from most American donuts. For a more lasting souvenir, buy a handmade knife from one of the oldest knife shops in Japan; one of the docents who lead our Nishiki tours is a knife maker, who can advise you on your purchase.

Paul Bennett, Trusted Travel Expert for Cultural City Tours


Mindil Beach Sunset Market—Darwin, Australia

The Place: The Mindil Beach Sunset Market gives visitors a taste of the uniquely Australian, relaxed, multicultural lifestyle enjoyed by Darwin locals. Among the nearly 200 stalls, food is the main attraction (from savory to sweet, the flavors of Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, India, China, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, France, and Greece are there for the sampling, along with Northern Territory crocodile steaks and Aussie burgers) but you can also buy local crafts, from didgeridoos to barramundi-skin belts.

Best Time to Go: The market is open Thursdays (5pm–10pm) and Sundays (4pm–9pm) during the “dry season,” which runs from the last Thursday in April to the last Thursday in October. Come early enough to purchase the makings of a picnic and secure a great spot on the lawn, overlooking the beach, to watch the sun set over Darwin Harbor (B.Y.O. wine); sunset is usually around 6:30pm.

Tastiest Treat: Of the exotic options, I like the Indonesian satay, barbecued pork balls in a banh mi, or laksa. For Aussie fare, try the burger made of kangaroo, buffalo, or emu.

Stuart Rigg, Trusted Travel Expert for Australia


Machane Yehudah Market—Jerusalem, Israel

spice bags at Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem

Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem. Photo: Julien Menichini/Flickr

The Place: The Machane Yehudah Market (known locally as “The Shuk”) sells farm-fresh local produce, spices, Middle Eastern fare, and traditional Jewish food. Here you’ll find the best challah, chocolate rugelach, and cheese-and-spinach burekas right out of the oven, and tahini made right in front of you using a 500-year-old giant basalt-stone sesame crusher. Though the market has been a place to buy foodstuffs for decades, it’s recently been revitalized and now includes trendy bars and restaurants as well.

Best Time to Go: Arrive soon after 9:30am, when the delivery trucks have just departed. You’ll find the freshest food and fewest crowds on Monday; Friday is a half day and at its busiest and most colorful; on Sunday, most of the stalls get taken over by the most famous granola maker in all Israel, who dries his ingredients there.

Tastiest Treat: Kurdish-style red kube soup—a chicken soup with beets and either deep-fried breaded meatballs or Middle Eastern dumplings—is a market favorite.

 —Joe Yudin, Trusted Travel Expert for Israel




Café Einstein, Berlin

6 Sweet Spots Worth the International Plane Ticket

This article originally ran on Luxe City Guides


You’ll need to dig out that elastic waistband for these sweet boutiques.

Sebastien Gaudard, Paris

Sebastien Gaudard, Paris

Sebastien Gaudard, Paris

From petit fortes and eclairs to almond croissants and caramel macarons, pâtissier extraordinaire Sebastien Gaudard (aka the ‘Tom Ford of pastry’) has the most magnifique (read: calorifique) creations in his pretty pastel-hued shop. Or for something a little more swish, sashay over to his Tuileries Salon de Thé for millefeuilles and crème Chantilly creations in a truly sumptuous setting.

1 Rue des Pyramides, 1st, Paris. +33 171 182 470, sebastiengaudard.com

Café Einstein, Berlin

Kaffee und kuchen (coffee and cafe) is an afternoon institution all across Germany and in Berlin the best place to indulge is Café Einstein. Many a literary great has put in time at this historic, mahogany parquet and garden delight that served up decadent slabs of schwarzwald kuchen, strudel and sacher torte. Heavenly hot chocolate too.

Kurfürstenstr. 58, Tiergarten, Berlin. +49 30 2639 1918, cafeeinstein.com

Ciampini Gelateria, Rome

Ciampini Gelateria, Rome

Ciampini Gelateria, Rome

When in Italy…. Gelati. This charming, retro-ish gelato bar serves up the nicest frozen flaves in all of Roma. The frutti di bosco and pistachio are both winners while the sinfully good whipped cream (panna) is only for truest of ice cream devotees.

Ciampini, Piazza di S. Lorenzo in Lucina, Rome. +39 06 687 6606, ciampini.com

Karakoy Gulluoglu, Istanbul

Karaköy Güllüoglu, Istanbul

Karaköy Güllüoglu, Istanbul

Of all the baklava shops in Istanbul, this is the bonanza best. Güllüoğlu has been baking the sweet, flakey treats since the 1820s and have over a dozen different varieties including chocolate, walnut, pistachio, or good old plain (which is anything but). For top Turkish delight head to Aladdin in the Spice Bazaar and order the milk lokum with nutella swirls. More like loku-mmm!

Karaköy Güllüoglu, Rihtim Cad. Katli Otopark Alti 3-4, Karaköy, Istanbul. +90 212 293 0910, karakoygulluoglu.com

Kosoan, Tokyo

Kosoan, Tokyo

Kosoan, Tokyo

Mochi might not be to everyone’s taste, but if you do like a chewy ball or two you’ll love this tatami-lined garden-chic teahouse that serves up rolled rice mouthfuls with hot green tea and a side of, errr, palate-cleansing salted kelp?

Kosoan, 1-24-23 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. +81 3 3718 4203, kosoan.co.jp

Bibelot, Melbourne

Bibelot, Melbourne

Bibelot, Melbourne

A dreamy sweet-tooth sanctuary inspired by the patisseries of Europe… but these pretty petit fortes and melt-in-your-mouth macarons get an Aussie twist with native ingredients like pepper berries, macadamias and lemon myrtle. Try the signature gourmandise platter or high tea service. Pinkies!

Bibelot, 285-287 Coventry St, South Melbourne, Melbourne. +61 3 9690 2688, bibelot.com.au


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